Tesco initiative helped raise an additional 450kg!
1st October 2022
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It’s amazing what can happen following on from one conversation.
One of our fantastic volunteers Christine Edwards recently had a conversation with two Community Champions at Tesco Sarah and Shannon, regarding the Food Bank and the food items that we were short of currently.
From this the wonderful staff at Tesco’s Ware took it upon themselves to organise a mini food drive over the weekend of the 17th/18th September, manned entirely by Tesco staff to raise awareness of the Foodbank needs.
They organised pre packed / pre priced bags containing the products we needed for customers to purchase as well as running a tombola with all the prizes donated by Tesco. The money raised from this will be used to buy additional food and core items that the Foodbank needs.
A terrific 450kgs was collected over the weekend providing much needed food items which will be distributed throughout the Hertford and Ware District over the coming days/weeks.
We would like to say a huge thank you to both Sarah and Shannon the Tesco Community Champions who organised this event and to all the Tesco staff who are great supporters of the Foodbank.